It is known that it is most beautiful in the arms of mum or dad. So it's no wonder that parents like to carry their baby on their body - this allows them to convey closeness and security to their baby.
A baby carrier can be helpful if you don't want to carry your child in your arms all the time. But a baby carrier is not just a good baby carrier - we tell you what to look for when buying a baby carrier, what distinguishes a good baby carrier from a bad one and why the right baby carrier can even prevent hip problems.
After birth, the baby's hips are not yet fully formed, which is why they are particularly sensitive during the first six months of life. Until the baby starts walking at 18 months, it is very malleable. If the hip does not form properly, hip dysplasia can occur; in such a case, the femoral head and acetabulum do not fit together optimally. In rare cases, the socket is so poorly developed that it cannot hold the femoral head. This results in what is known as hip luxation: the hip dislocates.
A deformation of the hip in childhood can be counteracted. A demonstrably ergonomic baby carrier that supports the child's anatomy is a decisive factor in this.
It is important that the baby sits in the carrier in such a way that its legs are spread apart and the knees are at navel height. This position is called the squat-to-spread position and corresponds to the natural position of the baby in the womb. In this position, the thigh bones act optimally on the hip sockets with their hip bones.
Conversely, carrying in the extended position with legs pressed together can delay hip development and harm it. "With the thighs extended, the acetabulum is stressed at its most sensitive and weakest point. The cartilaginous portion of the immature socket gives way. It becomes deformed and dysplasic," says Prof. Dr. Robert Rödl.
This means that not all baby carriers are the same, because only the right carrier supports the healthy formation of the hip. And this in turn is the basis of a pain-free life in old age.
(cf. DGOU, German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery)